Technical Description
A. Inspector is the perfect entry-level computer controlled CMM for any industrial metrology applications, thereby to increase the throughput and accuracy of all your measurement and inspection operations.
From the base machine structure point of view, Inspector features all-aluminum construction and utilized comprehensive CAD techniques, including Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Module Analysis, with the result of improved thermal, dimensional/torsional, and geometrical stability and reduces structural deflection and the effects of vibrations and thermal variation on measuring performance. Wrap-around air bearing design optimizes the axis kinematics movement. Therefore the whole system characterizes the optimum measuring repeatability and long-term system consistency.
Technical Highlight
① X beam has adopted the patented ultra rigid “Tricision ®” technology. This structure is the best solution to lighten main carriage’s weight and improve main carriage’s stability and rigidity, so can greatly improves CMM’s performance.
② Patented TESA optical reading system.
③ Measuring software – The reference in terms of simplicity and reliability.
④ Ergonomic design – The successful conclusion of an in – depth study.
⑤ 22 air bearings to ensure a frictionless motion of the three axes.
⑥ Choice of Multi- probes.
Performance Specifications
Measuring Strokes(mm) Machine Weight(Kg)
440 490 390 429
600 800 600 730
600 1000 600 890
800 1000 600 1074
800 1200 600 1196
800 1785
800 2090
800 2625
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