钨合金圆片 钨镍铁圆片产品详情:
钨合金圆片 钨镍铁圆片具有高密度,高熔点,体积小,高耐磨性,*硬度,高抗拉强度,高延伸性,耐高温等许多优良的特性。钨合金产品广泛应工业领域。
Tungsten alloy rod has so many advantages, such as high density, high melting point, small
volume, excellent hardness, superior wearing resistance, high ultimate tensile strength, high
ductility, high temperature resistance, etc. Tungsten alloys are widely used in many industrial
What is Tungsten Alloy Rod?
毛坯状半成品经过旋锻和切削加工之后,最后制成钨合金棒。这些钨合金棒可根据客户需求制作成任意长度的,表面是光滑的,直径在3mm 以上。中空的管壁是3mm 以内。钨合金
Tungsten alloy rod is produced by mixing and pressing tungsten and other metal powders and
sintering them into semi-product billets, which is worked by rolling or swaging into rod. It can beproduced into any lengths as per requirement of customer with a smooth surface at diameters morethan 3mm, and diameter of hollow tube wall is below 3mm. Tungsten alloy rod can be machinedinto hollow type. Specific lengths and special fabrications can be supplied upon request.
钨合金圆片 钨镍铁圆片用途
Applications for Tungsten Alloy Rod
We have a large amount of tungsten alloy rod stock for sale. Most of the major applications
for tungsten alloy rod are based on its very high density where it is used to control or distributeweight in some way. The product can be machined further.
株洲精钻提供的钨合金棒可以配重件、辐射屏蔽件、产品、焊接棒、模具等等。一些体育用品也用到钨合金棒,比如飞镖,高尔夫球杆等。此外,由于钨合金的特性和Anviloy 1150 类似,所以钨合金也可以作为Anviloy 1150的替代品。
HAO carbide can offer tungsten alloy rods and parts as counterweight,radiation shielding, military defense applications, welding rods, extrusion dies. Some sports also need alloy rods, such as darts, billets, golf club, etc. In addition, tungsten alloy can be acted as the replacement of Anviloy 1150, with very similar properties.
更多 钨合金圆片 钨镍铁圆片相关信息欢迎来电垂询,
购买钨合金圆片 钨镍铁圆片,请选株洲精钻。
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