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Mobil Gargoyle Arctic 冷冻机油

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Mobil Gargoyle Arctic 冷冻机油

分类:润滑油 冷冻机油 工业用油

Mobil Gargoyle? Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Mobil Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy

Refrigeration Oils

Product Description

Mobil Gargoyle? Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Mobil Gargoyle? Arctic C Heavy products are high performance naphthenic mineral oils primarily intended for use in refrigeration compressors. They have low pour points and excellent fluidity at very low temperatures by virtue of being almost wax-free. Consequently, use of these Mobil Gargoyle Arctic oils helps to ensure that evaporator tubes are kept clean to improve heat transfer and to reduce downtime for maintenance. They have good chemical stability and are suitable both for cylinder and bearing lubrication.

Mobil Gargoyle Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Mobil Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy are compatible with most refrigerants except sulphur dioxide. They are not recommended for use with HFC refrigerants. The moisture content of Mobil Gargoyle Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Mobil Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy oils is very low when the oils are packaged. Every precaution should be taken to keep the oils dry to avoid the formation of ice in expansion valves, and to limit the risks of oil degradation, copper plating, etc.

Features and Benefits

The Mobil Gargoyle Arctic brand of refrigeration oils enjoy a world-wide reputation for good performance based on their use in a wide variety of refrigeration applications over the past several decades. Mobil Gargoyle Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Mobil Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy were the pioneers of this brand and are specially manufactured to provide the specific properties required for refrigeration equipment. Not least among these are low pour point. Mobil Gargoyle Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Mobil Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy offer the following features and potential benefits:

FeaturesAdvantages and Potential Benefits
Low wax contentExcellent low temperature flow and evaporator heat transfer for optimum system efficiency
Good chemical stabilityLong service life resulting in less downtime and lower maintenance costs
Multi-purpose lubricantsSuitability for the lubrication of both cylinders and bearings reduces oil inventories


The Mobil Gargoyle Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Mobil Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy products are recommended for cylinder and bearing lubrication in most conventional refrigeration compressors and for other machinery operating at sub-zero temperatures. Typical applications include:

  • Large industrial reciprocating and rotary refrigeration compressors.
  • Industrial applications such as food freezing and cold storage plants
  • Marine refrigeration applications
  • Used primarily with ammonia refrigerant, but also used with selected halocarbons









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