分类:润滑油 冷冻机油 工业用油
Mobil Gargoyle? Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Mobil Gargoyle? Arctic C Heavy products are high performance naphthenic mineral oils primarily intended for use in refrigeration compressors. They have low pour points and excellent fluidity at very low temperatures by virtue of being almost wax-free. Consequently, use of these Mobil Gargoyle Arctic oils helps to ensure that evaporator tubes are kept clean to improve heat transfer and to reduce downtime for maintenance. They have good chemical stability and are suitable both for cylinder and bearing lubrication.
Mobil Gargoyle Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Mobil Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy are compatible with most refrigerants except sulphur dioxide. They are not recommended for use with HFC refrigerants. The moisture content of Mobil Gargoyle Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Mobil Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy oils is very low when the oils are packaged. Every precaution should be taken to keep the oils dry to avoid the formation of ice in expansion valves, and to limit the risks of oil degradation, copper plating, etc.The Mobil Gargoyle Arctic brand of refrigeration oils enjoy a world-wide reputation for good performance based on their use in a wide variety of refrigeration applications over the past several decades. Mobil Gargoyle Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Mobil Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy were the pioneers of this brand and are specially manufactured to provide the specific properties required for refrigeration equipment. Not least among these are low pour point. Mobil Gargoyle Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Mobil Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy offer the following features and potential benefits:
Features | Advantages and Potential Benefits |
Low wax content | Excellent low temperature flow and evaporator heat transfer for optimum system efficiency |
Good chemical stability | Long service life resulting in less downtime and lower maintenance costs |
Multi-purpose lubricants | Suitability for the lubrication of both cylinders and bearings reduces oil inventories |
The Mobil Gargoyle Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Mobil Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy products are recommended for cylinder and bearing lubrication in most conventional refrigeration compressors and for other machinery operating at sub-zero temperatures. Typical applications include:
四柱液压机 超声波清洗机 润滑油脂 医疗器械 液压冲床 工业机器人 3D打印机 无损检测仪器 单柱液压机 电子元器件 激光焊接机 超声波焊接机 轨道交通 油水分离器 隔离开关 激光打标机 行程开关 龙门铣床 焊接机器人 激光测距仪 摇臂钻床 立式加工中心 螺旋输送机 清洗设备 三坐标测量仪 污泥处理设备 接近开关 保温材料 压力开关 数控折弯机 数控折弯机 离子交换树脂 工程机械 三辊卷板机 液压油缸 污水处理设备 激光雕刻机 雨水收集系统 温湿度计 带式输送机 气体检测仪器 按钮开关 牛头刨床 牛头刨床 水处理设备 流量开关 影像测量仪 冷却塔填料 制冷设备 负荷开关 平面磨床 无心磨床 光纤激光器 水分测定仪 转换开关 元素分析仪 龙门加工中心 废气处理设备 码垛机器人 半导体激光器 激光干涉仪 超微粉碎机 氢气发生器 氮气发生器 气液分离器 焊接设备 水刀切割机 设备维修 往复式压缩机 节水灌溉 固废处理 食品机械 液位开关 汽车制造 卧式加工中心 人机界面 阀门定位器 数控系统 超细粉碎机 温度开关